Category: Thug

Thug 0.4.0 was released on June, 8th 2012 and a huge number of really important features were added since then. During the last two years I had a lot of fun thinking and designing the future of the project and I’m really proud of what Thug is now. I have to thank a lot of persons who contributed with their suggestions, ideas, bug reports and sometimes patches. You know who you are. Really thanks!

But I have decided that it’s time to start a new branch. Thug 0.5.0 will be hopefully released before the end of July and the branch 0.5 will be more focused on performance, scalability and efficiency optimizations.

Moreover I decided to start writing a Know Your Tools (KYT) paper about Thug. Please take a look at the KYE/KYT papers published by the Honeynet Project at But we were thinking about using a different approach this time. Historically there exists an Honeynet Project KYE/KYT committee which takes care of the quality of the paper through a strong review process. And this is good obviously. But the paper is not public until it is published. Obviously.

But if I take a look at Thug I realize there are a lot of persons out there which are using it daily sometimes in unexpected ways. And their feedback could be useful as well. So the idea is starting writing the paper and update it in the same GitHub tree ( This could allow everyone to easily contribute to the paper through GitHub pull requests. The KYE/KYT committee will still guarantee the high quality of the paper through its review job but this is the first experiment of a collaborative paper. So if you are a Thug user and want to share some of your experiences, tips and tricks you are welcome to contribute!

In the last months I spent a lot of efforts in Thug development. During these months a few interesting features and improvements were introduced but right now I want to spend some time for taking a look at the new plugin framework introduced in the version 0.3.0. If you ever thought about extending Thug with additional features but didn’t know how to do it you should really keep on reading. Let’s start by taking a look a the code.

Taking a look at src/ we can now read these lines of code


216 if p:
217     ThugPlugins(PRE_ANALYSIS_PLUGINS, self)()
218     p(args[0])
219     ThugPlugins(POST_ANALYSIS_PLUGINS, self)()


Please note that every operation done by Thug is started by line 218 but now you can see that two hooks exist in order to execute plugins in a pre and post-analysis stage. Let’s keep exploring the source code and let’s take a look at src/Plugins/


34 class ThugPlugins:
35     phases = {
36                         PRE_ANALYSIS_PLUGINS : ‘ThugPluginsPre’,
37                         POST_ANALYSIS_PLUGINS : ‘ThugPluginsPost’
38                       }
40     def __init__(self, phase, thug):
41         self.phase = phase
42         self.thug = thug
43         self.__init_config()
45     def __init_config(self):
46         self.plugins = set()
47         config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
49         conf_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), ‘plugins.conf’)
52         plugins = config.get(self.phases[self.phase], ‘plugins’)
53         for plugin in plugins.split(‘,’):
54             self.plugins.add(plugin.strip())
56     def __call__(self):
59     def run(self):
60         for source in self.plugins:
61             module = __import__(source)
62             components = source.split(‘.’)
63             for component in components[1:]:
64                 module = getattr(module, component)
66             handler = getattr(module, “Handler”, None)
67             if handler:
68                 p = handler()
69             try:
70                 verifyObject(IPlugin, p)
71       , log)
72             except BrokenImplementation as e:
73                 log.warning(“[%s] %s” % (source, e, ))


and src/Plugins/plugins.conf


1 [ThugPluginsPre]
2 plugins: Plugins.TestPlugin
4 [ThugPluginsPost]
5 plugins: Plugins.TestPlugin


The configuration file plugins.conf defines which plugins are to be loaded in pre and post-analysis stage (you can specify many plugins by simply comma separating them). The plugins should contain a class named Handler which should be conform to this interface


21 class IPlugin(zope.interface.Interface):
22     def run(thug, log):
23     “””
24     This method is called when the plugin is invoked
26     Parameters:
27     @thug: Thug class main instance
28     @log: Thug root logger
29     “””


If the interface is correctly implemented the `run’ method is called with two parameters: the Thug class main instance and the Thug root logger. Let’s see a really simple example of plugin


20 import zope.interface
21 from .IPlugin import IPlugin
23 class Handler:
24     zope.interface.implements(IPlugin)
26     def run(self, thug, log):
27         log.debug(thug)
28         log.debug(log)


This plugin just logs the parameters but you can do whatever you want. Do you want to pre-check if the URL domain is within a blacklist? Just do it with a pre-analysis plugin. Do you want to extract and/or correlate information from the MAEC log files? Just do it with a post-analysis plugin. Simply staten… have fun!

I’m glad to announce I publicly released a brand new low-interaction honeyclient I’m working on from a few months now. The project name is Thug and it was publicly presented during the Honeynet Project Security Workshop in Facebook HQ in Menlo Park. Please take a look at the presentation for details about Thug.

Just a few highlights about Thug:

  • DOM (almost) compliant with W3C DOM Core and HTML specifications (Level 1, 2 and partially 3) and partially compliant with W3C DOM Events and Style specifications
  • Google V8 Javascript engine wrapped through PyV8
  • Vulnerability modules (ActiveX controls, core browser functionalities, browser plugins)
  • Currently 6 IE personalities supported
  • Hybrid static/dynamic analysis
  • MITRE MAEC native logging format
  • HPFeeds and MongoDB logging

The source code is available here.

Feedback and comments welcome.

Have fun!

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