It’s long time since I don’t write about TIP and its evolution. A lot of things have changed during these last months in order to make TIP more efficient and scalable. So maybe it’s worth to talk about it! First of all, TIP really exploits the Twisted Plugin System as best as it can. As shown below, the Tracking Intelligence Project services are now Twisted commands implemented through the plugin system.

buffer@alnitak ~/tipproject/tip/core $ twistd –help
Usage: twistd [options]
–savestats              save the Stats object rather than the text output of the profiler.
-o, –no_save           do not save state on shutdown
-e, –encrypted        The specified tap/aos/xml file is encrypted.
–nothotshot             DEPRECATED. Don’t use the hotshot profiler even if it’s available.
-n, –nodaemon        don’t daemonize, don’t use default umask of 0077
-q, –quiet                 No-op for backwards compatibility.
–originalname         Don’t try to change the process name
–syslog                    Log to syslog, not to file
–euid                       Set only effective user-id rather than real user-id.
-l, –logfile=              log to a specified file, – for stdout
-p, –profile=            Run in profile mode, dumping results to specified file
–profiler=                Name of the profiler to use (profile, cprofile, hotshot). [default: hotshot]
-f, –file=                  read the given .tap file [default: twistd.tap]
-y, –python=           read an application from within a Python file (implies -o)
-x, –xml=               Read an application from a .tax file (Marmalade format).
-s, –source=          Read an application from a .tas file (AOT format).
-d, –rundir=           Change to a supplied directory before running [default: .]
–report-profile=     DEPRECATED.

Manage –report-profile option, which does nothing currently.

–prefix=                use the given prefix when syslogging [default: twisted]
–pidfile=               Name of the pidfile [default:]
–chroot=              Chroot to a supplied directory before running
-u, –uid=              The uid to run as.
-g, –gid=              The gid to run as.
–umask=              The (octal) file creation mask to apply.
–help-reactors     Display a list of possibly available reactor names.
–version               Print version information and exit.
–spew                   Print an insanely verbose log of everything that happens. Useful when debugging freezes or locks in complex code.
-b, –debug            run the application in the Python Debugger (implies nodaemon), sending SIGUSR2 will drop into debugger
-r, –reactor=         Which reactor to use (see –help-reactors for a list of possibilities)
–help                    Display this help and exit.
tip-fastflux           Tracking Intelligence Project Fast-Flux Tracking service.
tip-collector        Tracking Intelligence Project Collector service
ftp                           An FTP server.
telnet                      A simple, telnet-based remote debugging service.
socks                     A SOCKSv4 proxy service.
manhole-old          An interactive remote debugger service.
portforward           A simple port-forwarder.
web                       A general-purpose web server which can serve from a filesystem or application resource.
inetd                     An inetd(8) replacement.
xmpp-router         An XMPP Router server
words                   A modern words server
toc                       An AIM TOC service.
dns                      A domain name server.

This is really useful since it allows to run just the needed modules fine tuning their behaviour as shown below.

buffer@alnitak ~/tipproject/tip/core $ twistd tip-collector –help
Usage: twistd [options] tip-collector [options]
-o, –one-shot                      Run the collector just one time
-c, –concurrency-level=     Set maximum concurrency level [default: 1]
-s, –reschedule-interval=   Set collector restart interval [default: 21600]
–help                                   Display this help and exit.

buffer@alnitak ~/tipproject/tip/core $ twistd tip-fastflux –help
Usage: twistd [options] tip-fastflux [options]
-w, –whitelist-force-refresh  Force white-list domain refreshing at every commit
-s, –hot-restart=                 Set hot tracking process restart interval [default: 14400]
-t, –cold-restart=                Set cold tracking process restart interval [default: 7200]
-m, –hot-schedule=            Set hot tracking scheduling interdomain delay [default: 0.1]
-n, –cold-schedule=           Set cold tracking scheduling interdomain delay [default: 0.2]
-k, –cold-delay=                Set cold tracking first-start delay [default: 300]
–help                                 Display this help and exit.

Moreover I’m definitely satisfied about the Fast-Flux Tracking module design which is explained in the commit log reported below.

commit 9ebf0d1b8ac73997f35d70435bdd3da52da6cd5d
Author: Angelo Dell’Aera <>
Date:   Tue Aug 4 10:04:52 2009 +0200

Fast-Flux Tracking Module Domain Queues

. Fast-Flux Tracking Module was modified in order to allow two concurrent domain queues. The first queue is used just for domains which are still known to be fluxy. This is the most I/O intensive queue since it requires most frequently database operations for storing the collected data. These blocking operations are realized through a thread pool and the tests done on the previous version of the module showed these have a detrimental impact on the domain scheduling process slowing it too much. So the second queue was added and it is used for domains not still classified as fluxy. The idea is to minimize blocking operations so if a domain is not fluxy there are no blocking operations at all. If a domain is fluxy, the collected data are saved and then the tracking path ends in such a way that when the first queue will restart it will take care of this new domain. It’s worth noting that this approach allows really frequent restarts of both queues with no destructive interference among them and with a really low memory consumption.

A prerelease is coming. Stay tuned!